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As we've been flush with beautiful Golden Nugget Mandarins from a bumper crop of a season this year, we've been putting them to a multitude of uses. One being a go-to garnish and lovely, light walnut oil and citrus dressing.

It's a cinch to make with just 4 ingredients.


1 part CORKY'S NUTS Cold Pressed Organic Walnut Oil

1 part juice of any sweet citrus (blood orange works great too!)

salt/pepper to taste


We mixed our dressing in a leftover 8oz glass jar we had. It's a great way to make any dressings as you can give it a good shake while mixing and it's already in a handy sealed container. 

Add 1 part Cold Pressed Organic Walnut Oil and 1 part citrus juice. 

Mix/shake and add salt/pepper to taste. 

Pour over greens and toss.

If you have any leftover dressing, just seal your jar/container and place it in the fridge and enjoy it within 3 days.

The salad shown was dressed with a handful of chopped CORKY'S NUTS Raw Organic Pecans for an added nutty crunch. As always, let this be a lauching point to experiment with different flavors & herbs. In one version, we added fresh dill to the dressing and topped our salad off with fennel blooms/pollen from our garden. 
